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Public Institutions WordPress Theme tutorials - How to change email address and phone number above the logo?

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How to change the email address and phone number above the logo in the Public Institutions WordPress theme?

The Public Institutions demo site contains a widget displaying email and phone number contact details. That widget is placed at the top of the front page.

email and phone wordpress theme

For this purpose, we have used a simple text widget. Let’s see how it’s setup. 

Open your WordPress dashboard.  Navigate to “Appearance” -> “Widgets”. There is a “Text” widget on the list.

text widget wordpress theme

After assigning the widget to the chosen position (in this case, it’s “Top Bar 1”.), you can configure it.

See our example below. We have not used the “Title.” It’s about filling up the “Content” box with  HTML code only:


If you want to change the email address and phone number, you can easily do this by editing the content (for customers who installed the demo copy).

How to manage accessibility tools above the menu?

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