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Eco Energy WordPress theme tutorials - Are there other views for search input?

Page 10 of 15: Are there other views for search input?

Are there other views for search input in the Eco Energy WordPress theme?

The search input is placed in the top bar on the right side of the top menu.

search icon wordpress theme

How to change the search input view?

Open your WordPress admin panel. Navigate to “Theme Options” and then to “Basic Settings.”

How to change the search input view wordpress theme

Scroll down to “Search form in topbar” options.

“Search form in topbar” options wordpress theme

You can enable/disable the search form or choose between two views: Standard and Modal Window.

Standard view: the search input appears after clicking on the search icon.


Modal window view: after clicking on the search icon the modal window appears with the search input inside.

search in modal window view wordpress theme

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