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School WordPress Theme tutorials - How to modify Join us and See prices buttons?

Page 11 of 19: How to modify Join us and See prices buttons?

How to modify Join us and See prices buttons in the School WordPress theme? 

The PE School theme’s demo site contains two eye-catching buttons on the frontpage: “Join Us” and  “ See prices”.

Those buttons are displayed using the Text widget with a shortcode. It’s a simple widget purposed for entering arbitrary text.


How to modify both buttons?

Open your WordPress dashboard and navigate to “Appearance” -> “Widgets.” Find the Text widget on the list.

In our demo example, the widget is displayed at the “Top 3” sidebar. You can assign the widget to any position you want. 

The widget contains a simple shortcode: GRID and Read More large from typography. Use many of ready to use shortcodes and typography elements.


You can set the title and the content. Our example does not have any title, and for the content box, we’ve implemented the shortcode (with the read more links and the button names).


How to modify accordion widgets?

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