Update your theme for WordPress 4.6 version. Check why it's worth to do it!
WordPress 4.6 was released yesterday, on the 17th of August 2016. Read all you need to know about WordPress 4.6. New version brings many changes, new features and fixed bugs. It's highly recommend to update themes for WordPress 4.6 Make sure to launch a full WordPress backup before you proceed with the update.
We would like to let you know that our WordPress themes have been already updated to the latest WordPress 4.6 version. So they are 100% compatible.
Check PixelEmu themes for WordPress here:
What's new in WordPress 4.6:
- Native System Fonts - WordPress will now use your native system font for the admin area. This will make WordPress load faster.
- Shiny Updates for Plugins & Themes - installation and update of your WordPress plugins and themes will be faster and possible without leaving a page.
- Editor Enhancements in WordPress 4.6 - new version introduces some cool new enhancements to the edit screen.
- Better Auto-Save and Recovery - WordPress 4.6 comes with a better disaster recovery mode for the auto-save feature in the post editor.
- A Better Looking Import Screen - WordPress makes it super easy to import content from Blogger, Tumblr, and several other platforms using the Importer plugins.
- Localization and Translation Improvements - Translations from WordPress.org hosted community translations will now be given preference over the translations included with the plugin.
- Under The Hood Improvements - a lots of new improvements for developers.
We would like to let you know that our WordPress themes have been already updated to the latest WordPress 4.6 version. So they are 100% compatible.
Check PixelEmu themes for WordPress here:
- PE Hotel - hotel and resort theme
- PE Services - doctor, medical clinic, architect and car mechanic WCAG (Section508 compatible) theme
- PE Beauty Center - wellness and spa free theme
- PE Cleaning Company - multipurpose services theme
- PE Cooking Blog - food recipes blog