Simple WP theme updated for WordPress 5.8. Get it now!
We are happy to announce that we have updated the Simple WordPress theme to version 1.08. With this update, we have improved compatibility with WordPress 5.8.
Simple WordPress theme version 1.08
- In the previous version, after the update, there was no option to assign widgets to pages added by the PE Display Widgets plugin, and some widgets could not be visible because of that. Now widgets are visible and can be assigned to selected pages.
- We have also fixed a couple of .js errors that made it impossible to change the options. Now all the widgets are visible and work in Appearance -> Widgets view in the latest WordPress 5.8.
Fixes and improvements Simple WordPress theme version 1.08
- Fixed compatibility with WordPress 5.8
- Display Widget replaced with Pixelemu Display Widget - the plugin that is available to download from pixelemu download area and further developed by pixelemu team
- Fixed hidden hamburger menu on mobile for contrast versions
- Fixed contrast errors for off-canvas menu
- Added option to append 'target' attribute for a shortcode 'readmore'
- Added information about 'Theme Options' in the Appearance -> Themes and Appearance -> Customize
It's just a message for beginners - where to find theme options - Removed shortcodes displaying for an excerpt in the archive and search view
- Updated Font Awesome to version 5.12.0
- Fixed JS errors while editing items for widget 'PE Best Features' when apostrophes are used
- Fixed JS errors while editing items for widget 'PE Image Carousel' when apostrophes are used
- Fixed not working option 'Avatar size' for a member post type
- Added option to translate 'PE Simple Plugin'
- Added link to documentation about sidebars and widget types
- Added tooltips for WCAG buttons
- Added WCAG contrast fixes after Revolution Slider update
- Added option to choose link colors for theme sections
- Added option to add alternative text for a shortcode 'pevideo'
If the browser can't display video you will some alternative text (WCAG & ADA improvement). - Added option to select tag for a title in shortcode 'anibox' - p, span h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
It's useful for eliminating errors related to wrong heading order.
- Added information about required fields at the top of the contact form for page template 'Contact Page' and widget 'PE Contact'
Added information about required fields at the top of the contact form for page template "Contact". It makes clear information on what means an asterisk (WCAG & ADA improvement). - Fixed 'aria-expanded' attribute placement for a page template 'FAQ' and shortcode 'accordion'
- Added option to choose separate logos for contrast versions
Now you may upload completely other logo versions suitable for each contrast version. - Added option to hide theme sections on mobile, tablet, desktop or large devices
Now you can customize your website very thoroughly - show or hide each section on specific devices.
PE Display Widgets version 1.2.1
Along with the Simple theme, we have also updated the PE Display Widgets plugin:
- Added support for WP 5.8 and legacy widgets
- Improved multilanguage support (WPML and Polylang)
Note: It is still possible to use the Classic Widgets.
How to proceed with the update
- Download and update the Display Widgets plugin
- Download and update Simple theme plugin
- Download and update Simple Theme