Services WCAG and ADA WordPress theme updated to ver. 1.5. Check what changed.
We are happy to announce that we have updated PE Services Wordpress theme to version 1.5. You will find a few new features and bug fixes.
Improvements Services WCAG and ADA WordPress theme
- (WCAG & ADA) Added information about required fields at the top of the contact form for page template "Contact". It makes clear information on what means an asterisk.
- Added option 'user ordering' for FAQ items
- Added option to order FAQ items ascending or descending
- (WCAG & ADA) Added option to add alternative text for a shortcode 'pevideo'. If the browser can't display video you will some alternative text.
- (WCAG & ADA) Added option to select tag for a title in shortcode 'anibox' - p, span h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6. It's useful for eliminating errors related to wrong heading order.
- Added links to documentation in the Theme Options
- Added shortcode 'code' for showing code without executing it
Other bug fixes and improvements
- Fixed enqueing style.css file for a child theme
- Unification of language domain for all theme texts
- Fixed styling issues ( missing indicators ) after MaxMegaMenu update
- Fixed missing WCAG mobile button when main menu is opened
- Fixed missing H1 tag in the archive view
- Fixed W3C error when more than one search form is enabled on the same page
- Fixed missing texts for translation
- Fixed navigation and close button for PE Gallery shortcode when WCAG focus is enabled
- Fixed arrangement of the images for 'pegallery' shortcode if images have different height
- Fixed email validation for page "Contact"
- Fixed 'aria-expanded' attribute placement for a page template 'FAQ' and shortcode 'accordion'