Business WCAG and ADA WordPress theme updated to ver. 1.05. Check what changed.
We are happy to announce that we have updated PE Business Wordpress theme to version 1.05. You will find a few new features and bug fixes.
Improvements Business WCAG and ADA WordPress theme
- (WCAG & ADA) Added a 'role="main"' attribute for a content section
- (WCAG & ADA) Added visible form fields labels for PE Contact widget and page template "Contact" for better WCAG compatibility.
- (WCAG & ADA) Added information about required fields at the top of the contact form for PE Contact Widget and page template "Contact". It makes clear information on what means an asterisk.
- Added consent options for a contact form (PE Contact widget and page template "Page Contact" ) so your website is ready for RODO.
- (WCAG & ADA) Added option to add alternative text for a shortcode 'pevideo'. If the browser can't display video you will some alternative text.
- (WCAG & ADA) Added option to select tag for a title in shortcode 'anibox' - p, span h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6. It's useful for eliminating errors related to wrong heading order.
- Added link to documentation about sidebars and widget types.
- FontAwesome updated to version 5.10.2.
- (WCAG & ADA) Added field "Image Alternative Text" for a widget "PE Short Info". It helps to avoid errors related to repeated close texts.
Other bug fixes and improvements
- Fixed W3C warnings and errors related to PE Best Features widget.
- (WCAG & ADA) Fixed 'aria-expanded' attribute for a page template 'FAQ' and shortcode 'accordion'.
- Fixed error "Server Error: WordPress mail function failed!" while sending a message with contact form.
- Fixed links color in sidebar 'Header' for high contrast versions. Earlier links were invisible in this sidebar.
- Fixed disappeared Linkedin icon for PE Members widget.
- Fixed invisible link with website title when a logo is not selected in the Theme Options.
- Fixed, Added underline on active main menu items.
- Fixed W3C error for PE Testimonials Carousel widget.
- Removed filtering for fields 'Head custom code' and 'Body custom code'. Earlier some scripts could be incomplete because of filtering.
- (WCAG & ADA) Removed opacity for top menu items when a website is scrolled to prevent contrast errors.