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Public Institutions WordPress theme updated WCAG and ADA

Public Institutions - WCAG and ADA WordPress theme updated to ver. 1.2 Check what changed.

We are happy to announce that we have updated PE Public Institutions Wordpress theme to version 1.2. You will find a few new features and bug fixes.

WCAG and ADA improvements

  • Added focus border for a logo (WCAG and ADA improvement)
  • Added option to separately change heading levels for widgets, posts, pages titles  (WCAG and ADA improvement). It's available to change in Theme Options -> Accessibility

  • Added focus for theme sections if 'Focus border' is enabled  (WCAG and ADA improvement)
  • Border for focus and hover has been separated  (WCAG and ADA improvement)

Bug fixes and improvements

Below is the list of all updated issues:

  • Removed shortcodes displaying for an excerpt in the archive and search view
  • Added option 'user ordering' for FAQ items. Once this option enabled, you may take control over FAQ items ordering by placing its number in each item.

  • Added option to order FAQ items ascending or descending. Using this option items' ordering is taken by creating date.

  • Fixed arrangement of the images for 'pegallery' shortcode if images have different height
  • FontAwesome updated to version 5.7
  • Added consent options for a contact form. Now you may enable up to 2 checkboxes - required for user acceptance. It works for both the contact widget and contact page.
    contact consent options

Updated theme

Want to know more?

WCAG, accessibility ready, public institutions, ADA compliance

Satisfaction guaranteed

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