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Company WCAG and ADA WordPress theme update brings great new features.

Company WCAG and ADA WordPress theme update brings great new features.

We just released the update for Company WCAG and ADA WordPress theme with several improvements, new demo example and some bug fixes reported by theme's users. Let's check what changed.

New demo versions for Company WordPress theme

Together with the standard WordPress theme update, we've released the additional demo example of this awesome business WordPress theme. Below find the website design for plumbers company which appears in two versions - the default one and WCAG and ADA compliant one.

Both versions are available to download and also note that the functionality presented at those demo examples may be also be achieved at your website if you use the Company WordPress theme. It's about the widgets and theme configuration only. If you have any doubts or technical questions simply contact our support, we will help.

'Glow' animation added for PE Best Features widget

PE Best Features widget is a very helpful and flexible tool for displaying unlimited items with icons/images, and text in a different configuration - for sure you like it. 

Now you may find the additional style for image/icon hovering - "Glow", it works like presented below:

glow animation

and it's available to choose from the widget's settings:

pe best features widget

Other improvements and bug fixes

  • FontAwesome updated to version 5.6.3
  • Fixed adding/editing fields for PE Image Carousel widget (JS error after entering non-latin characters)
  • Fixed readmore link for an 'anibox' shortcode (box was unable to click)
  • Fixed submenu navigation for the main menu on IE and Edge (submenu did not show on hover because of use 'focus-within')
  • see Company WordPress theme changelog here

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