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Internet WordPress theme updated

Internet WordPress theme updated to ver. 1.0.6 Check what changed.

We are happy to announce that we have updated PE Internet Wordpress theme to version 1.0.6. You will find improvements and a few bug fixes. Let's take a look at the most important ones.

Bug fixes and improvements

Below is the list of all updated issues.

  • Fixed height attribute for shortcode anibox when height is auto or none
  • Code related to Custom HTML fields in HEAD or BODY moved to the plugin
  • All HTML tags are now allowed in Custom HTML fields for HEAD and BODY
  • Fixed search query ( query is modified only in search result page archive and not modified in administration panel )
  • Fixed possible PHP warnings in some cases related to the update notifications
  • Updated FontAwesome to version 5.3.1
  • Added prev/next button to 'pegallery' shortcode with modal option

  • Fixed counting pingbacks/trackbacks for comments
  • Fixed arrangement for social icons in PE Social widget
  • Fixed images arrangement with different height fo 'pegallery' shortcode
  • Posts, pages titles changed from H2 to H1 to improve SEO
  • Removed H1 and H2 with site name and site description located on every page

Updated theme

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