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TerraClassifieds WordPress classifieds plugin updated to ver. 1.9. Check what changed.

TerraClassifieds WordPress classifieds plugin updated to ver. 1.9. Check what changed.

TerraClassifieds ver. 1.9 is ready to download. Most of all it includes bug fixes and few new little features that you will find helpful for sure. Thank you all TerraClassifieds users for a kind reporting of all suggestions or bugs. It's a pleasure to implement them for you. There is also an update for the TerraClassic theme for Terraclassifieds available.

New features in TerraClassifieds ver. 1.9

Added option to sort categories in the 'TerraClassifieds Categories' widget by name and ID

Now you can order categories by ID and name. Earlier, this widget was sorting categories only by names. 

Added option to sort categories in the 'TerraClassifieds Categories' widget ascending and descending

Ordering can be ascending or descending. It works for order by name and ID.

Added option to filter adverts by selling type in the search form

Searching for adverts can now be more friendly because you can also filter adverts by selling type: price (advert with some price), free or exchange.

Bug fixes

Added option to translate the string "Enter at least XXX characters" in the 'Registration' view

The problem was visible in the "Registration" view. Now you can translate warning text marked above to any language.

Fixed translation issue for strings in the 'TerraClassifieds Search' widget

 The problem was visible in the search form. Texts in the input above can be translated now.

Fixed padding issue for inputs and selects in the search form for some themes

Not all themes have property "box-sizing" set to "border-box" for inputs so these fields can be bigger than other fields. Now, this property is in the TerraClassifieds CSS.

Fixed not visible buttons 'Upload Files' and 'Media Library' in the Media Manager modal (Add advert view)

When the user wanted to upload images in the "Add advert" view, the modal opened after clicking on the button "Add or upload files" had wrong styling for the above buttons. Only the active tab had a visible button. The second one was visible only on hover.

Fixed error "Invalid Post Type" in the dashboard while searching posts

This error was visible in the dashboard while searching posts when the user clicked button "Search Posts" minimum twice.

Fixed PHP warning after user registration when field "E-mail notifications for administrators" is empty

The warning was visible in the "Registration" view just after submitting the registration form if the field in the settings (tab "Email templates") in the above image was empty.

Fixed unnecessary warnings in the SEO tab about missing pages when 'Permalink structure' in Wordpress is set to 'Plain.'

There were redundant warnings in the settings ( tab "SEO" ). It was visible only when "Settings -> Permalink structure" was set to "Plain."

Fixed not showing warnings when pages in the SEO tab are not selected

Warning from in the image above was not visible.

It happens only when the user has used version 1.7 or earlier before the update.

Fixed error 'Wrong username, email or password' in the URL:

The problem was visible only in the URL above. It was a red error above the login form.

Fixed problem with too high permissions for the role 'TerraClassifieds user' that allowed editing posts from the frontend

Default TerraClassifieds user could edit posts on the website without administrator or author role. In the search view depends on the theme, TerraClassifieds user has seen the "Edit" or "Edit post" button.
NOTE: Deactivation and reactivation of the plugin are required to fix the problem.

Fixed not visible error about too big image size and image dimensions on mobiles

upload error

Now, this error can be seen on mobiles. Earlier some users didn't see it and they didn't know why images are not uploaded.

Fixed mixed post types and wrong pagination on URL

Now on the URL above you will see only TerraClassifieds ads with proper pagination.

TerraClassic WordPress theme updates to 1.07


  • Fixed mixed post types and wrong pagination on URL when plugin 'TerraClassifieds' is active
  • Added checking for appropriate XML content in the theme update function to prevent errors on servers without access to external servers

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