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TerraClassifieds WordPress classifieds plugin updated to ver. 1.8.

TerraClassifieds WordPress classifieds plugin updated to ver. 1.8. Check what changed.

We are happy to announce that we have updated TerraClassifieds to version 1.8. You will find a few new features and bug fixes.

New features in TerraClassifieds ver. 1.8

Option to change slugs and pages responsible for Terraclassifieds views

Added option to change slugs and pages responsible for Terraclassifieds views: Add advert, Edit Advert, Edit profile, Favourite ads, Forgot password, Login, Registration, My submissions.
Read the detailed tutorial How to manage slugs in TerraClassifieds.

Option to change slugs and pages responsible for Terraclassifieds views WordPress claassifieds plugin

Button 'Cancel' for add advert form and edit advert form

Added button 'Cancel' for add advert form and edit advert form. After clicking on 'Cancel' button, you will be redirected to the previous page. See the example from the Add advert page.

Button 'Cancel' for add advert form and edit advert form WordPress claassifieds plugin

Option to save advert with 'Draft' status

Added option to save advert with 'Draft' status. Once you select Draft option, then the submit button will change the value to Save draft.

Option to save advert with 'Draft' status WordPress claassifieds plugin

Save as draft action allows you to save a classified item with the Draft status. It will not be published and you will be able to edit this advert in Your adverts view.

edit draft

Option to filter adverts by price

Added option to filter adverts by price. You can search by minimum and maximum price for a classified.

Option to filter adverts by price WordPress claassifieds plugin

You can enable this filter and choose fields width in Terraclassifieds -> Settings -> Category view. (once a search form is enabled on a category view). And similar price filter options you can find in the Terraclassifieds Search widget.

We also added the Price field size option that allows you to set different input sizes for various device resolutions.

price filter settings

Redirect to an advert after frontend editing

Added redirect to an advert after frontend editing. When you edit the existing advert and you click Save changes button you will be redirected to a single view of this advert.

Option to show adverts with status 'Pending' and 'Rejected' in a 'Your adverts' view

Added option to show adverts with status 'Pending' and 'Rejected' in a 'Your adverts' view. Now you will see also these statuses, not only Published and Archived.


Option to show adverts with status 'Pending' and 'Rejected' in a 'Your adverts' view WordPress claassifieds plugin


The choice to disable selling type

Added choice to disable selling type for each advert using the option 'Nothing'. So far each advert had to have a price, or status Exchange or Free.

You can also disable selling types for the whole website, in other words, switch off selling types from adding advert view and as a result not visible on the single view, archive, add advert, your adverts, and Terraclassifieds Latest Ads widget.

The choice to disable selling type WordPress claassifieds plugin WordPress claassifieds plugin 

Advert ID in the single advert view

Added advert ID in the single advert view. It's a small change but it can be useful for many users.

Advert ID in the single advert view WordPress claassifieds plugin

Option to disable ad's author in the archive/category view

Added option to disable ad's author in the archive/category view. You can simply disable these items in Terraclassifieds -> Settings -> Category view.

 Option to disable ad's author in the archive/category view WordPress claassifieds plugin

Disable images and locations for the whole website

You can disable images and locations for the whole website including a single view, archive, add advert, your adverts, Terraclassifieds Latest Ads widget.

Disable images and locations for the whole website WordPress claassifieds plugin

use locations

Disable phone number and contact form

Added option to disable phone number and contact form in the single advert view.

Disable phone number and contact form WordPress claassifieds plugin

In a result these boxes may not be visible:

advert view disable contect from phone2

Additional location fields - address and post / ZIP code

Added additional location fields - address and post / ZIP code. You can enable/disable these fields here:

Additional location fields - address and post / ZIP code WordPress claassifieds plugin

These fields are visible in the single advert and add advert view:

address post code2

And how those fields are located on the add advert view.

address post code3

'Edit' button on the advert view after editing it

Added the 'Edit' button on the advert view after editing it. After editing, modifying and saving the advert you will be redirected to a single advert view - then the Edit button will be visible near the advert title, so you can make other changes if you have forgotten about something.

'Edit' button on the advert view after editing it WordPress claassifieds plugin

A better description for a field 'Reply-To E-mail Address'

Added better description for a field 'Reply-To E-mail Address' in the plugin settings. Now, this information is more descriptive. Earlier there were many misunderstandings.

A better description for a field 'Reply-To E-mail Address' WordPress claassifieds plugin

Option to show HTML code for a category description

Added option to show HTML code for a category description in the archive view if there is a visual editor for this field enabled, ex. when Yoast SEO plugin is active. Earlier each HTML code was removed in the archive view.

Bug fixes

  • Minor styling fixes in the plugin settings
  • Fixed PHP warning in the 'Add advert' view if a field 'E-mail notifications for administrators' in the plugin settings is empty
  • Fixed unnecessary email notification about ad expiring sent just after ad expiring
  • Fixed no adverts in the archive view when widget 'Terraclassifieds Search' is not used
  • Fixed not selected location and selling type during advert editing 

Other issues

  • The published date is being changed now to the current date when user will renew the advert

Updated plugin

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