TerraClassifieds free classifieds WordPress plugin - Stable 1.0 released.
Finally, we've released the stable 1.0 version of TerraClassifieds free classifieds WordPress plugin! It took us a month from releasing the alpha version then beta to get the current stable version.
Thank you all customers who send us your feedback, bug reports, and ideas, we appreciate it a lot. If you still do not try TerraClassifieds free classifieds WordPress plugin, do it now and send us your opinion or get help. Remember that you may download the demo copy with the already configured website.
Lots of work have been done and now we are going to add new features successfully to each new TerraClassifieds version.
It's like the neverending story but the most important that we want to implement soon are:
- locations
- custom fields
- ads types
- charging options
- WCAG adjustments