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DJ-Accessibility plugin updated with 8 language packs!

We've added 8 language packs for the DJ-Accessibility plugin, 100% compatible with the latest plugin 1.0.2 version.

Translations are included in the plugin's package (both for Joomla and WordPress) and there is no need to download and install anything.


Here is a list of the 8 languages you can now use in DJ-Accessibility:

  • Polish (The plugin's WordPress version already had a polish translation - however, it has now been slightly improved.)
  • German
  • Spanish
  • Czech
  • Slovenian
  • Turkish
  • Portuguese
  • Dutch

If the chosen language is set for the site, the plugin options will be displayed in that language on the front end. 

What is the DJ-Accessibility plugin?

DJ-Accessibility is a set of tools to help people with disabilities navigate the site. Use its' options to improve the accessibility of your website! You can display accessibility options in a pop-up or a toolbar on your page.

DJ-Accessibility works with Joomla and WordPress! It's also integrated with the YOOTheme Pro Builder.

The content of the blog post comes from the DJ-Extensions website:

8 language packs for the DJ-Accessibility plugin

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